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Updated as at 29 Sept 2022


These Bye-Laws are subject to and shall be read in conjunction with the CONSTITUTION of the Institute.




Approval Procedures for Associate Members / Members / Fellows



Each application shall be submitted to Council after the verification by the Membership Committee that the applicant is eligible for the category of membership for which the application is made in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the Bye-Laws in force at the time of such application.



Any application approved by Council shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of Council at which such application is approved.



When an application is rejected by Council the Subscription and 50% of the Application Fee submitted by the applicant shall as soon as practicable be returned to the applicant, and the balance of the application fee shall be retained by the Institute. By way of exception, if Council offers admission to the rejected applicant at a lower category of membership and the applicant accepts such offer, the Institute shall retain the Application Fee and Subscription in the amount of the lower category of membership accepted by the applicant and shall return the balance of the monies submitted by the applicant.



When an application is approved, the successful applicant shall be informed and shall be provided with a copy of the Constitution and Bye-Laws.



Communication between the Institute and members may be made by post, or  electronic mail.

1.2 Fees and Subscriptions


The following fees and subscription shall be payable:


 a.   On nomination as a Fellow

Application Fee                  S$ 310.00
Annual Subscription     S$ 215.00

 b.   On nomination as a Member

Application Fee           S$ 240.00
Annual Subscription      S$ 130.00

 c.   On nomination as an Associate Member

Application Fee                S$ 150.00
Annual Subscription      S$ 95.00

 d.   Retired Fellows and Members

Annual Subscription      S$ 60.00



An application for membership must be submitted along with the appropriate Application Fee and the full amount of the Annual Subscription payable in respect of the year in which the application is made. Subsequent payments of the Annual Subscription are due on the first day of April of each and every year. On special cause being shown, the Council shall have the discretionary power to reduce or waive a member's subscription including any sum due and payable in any given year.



Upon a member being in arrears of his annual subscriptions or any other sum due and payable, he may be charged an administrative charge in the sum of S$50.00 or such amount as may be determined by Council from time to time.





Council may for the purpose of testing the qualifications of candidates for election, hold written and/or oral examination(s) at such time and place and in such manner as the Council may think fit. 



Council may prescribe the manner of such examinations, the regulations necessary for the conduct of the same, and the fees payable in that regard.


Disciplinary Procedure



If any complaint or allegation of misconduct against a member (a “Complaint”) is received from any source, the Honorary Secretary shall lay it before Council at its next meeting.  Council shall then appoint and refer the matter to an Investigating Officer pursuant to clause 5.10.1 of the Constitution.  Council may, if it thinks fit, appoint the same person as Investigating Officer in respect of multiple Complaints against a member and/or Complaints against multiple members.  The Honorary Secretary shall notify the Investigating Officer in writing of his appointment as such and provide a copy of the Complaint and any supporting materials to the Investigating Officer.  



The Investigating Officer shall review the Complaint and shall take such steps as he thinks fit to investigate the Complaint.  If a Complaint does not appear to the Investigating Officer to disclose any prima facie evidence of misconduct the Investigating Officer may decide that the Complaint shall be dismissed without informing the member concerned (the “Respondent”) and without hearing the person who made the Complaint (the “Complainant”).



The Investigating Officer shall prepare a written report to Council and submit it to the Honorary Secretary.  The report shall:



  1. summarise any steps taken to investigate the Complaint;

  2. state whether the Respondent has been informed of the Complaint;

  3. state whether the Complainant has been heard by the Investigating Officer;

  4. set out the Investigating Officer’s decision as to whether the Complaint gives rise to prima facie evidence of misconduct by the Respondent and, if so, (i) specify the disciplinary charge or charges to be faced by the Respondent; and (ii) attach a copy of the evidence based on which the Investigating Officer has reached his decision.



The Honorary Secretary shall lay the Investigating Officer’s report before Council at its next meeting.



An Investigating Officer’s report that a Complaint does not give rise to prima facie evidence of misconduct by the Respondent shall amount to a dismissal of the Complaint and the same shall be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.



If an Investigating Officer reports that a Complaint gives rise to a prima facie case of misconduct, Council shall appoint a Disciplinary Tribunal to determine the disciplinary charge or charges specified in the Investigating Officer’s report, pursuant to clause 5.10.2 of the Constitution.  Council may, if it thinks fit, appoint the same Disciplinary Tribunal to determine multiple charges against a Respondent and/or to determine charges against multiple Respondents.



Upon the appointment of a Disciplinary Tribunal, the Honorary Secretary shall:



  1. notify the members of the Disciplinary Tribunal in writing of their appointment as such;

  2. provide a copy of the Investigating Officer’s report (including any attached evidence) to the Disciplinary Tribunal; and

  3. send a written notice by A.R. registered post or by courier to the Respondent at his last known address, which notice shall (i) set out the disciplinary charge or charges against him; (ii) specify the names of the members of the Disciplinary Tribunal so appointed; and (iii) call upon the Respondent to answer such charge or charges in writing within fourteen days of the date of notice or within such period as Council may determine.



Upon receipt of the Respondent’s answer to the charge or charges, the Disciplinary Tribunal shall commence its proceedings.  If no answer shall be received from the Respondent in the ordinary course of post within fourteen days (or such other period specified by Council under paragraph 1.4.7(c)(iii) above) after the time when such notice would have been delivered to the Respondent, the Disciplinary Tribunal may commence the proceedings in default.  



A hearing date shall then be set for the Disciplinary Tribunal to hear and determine the charge(s) of misconduct preferred against the Respondent.  The Disciplinary Tribunal may hold more than one hearing, if it thinks fit. The Disciplinary Tribunal may hold hearings in person, by teleconference, videoconference or other electronic means.  If the Respondent fails to attend a hearing of which he has been given no less than 7 days’ notice in writing, the Disciplinary Tribunal may proceed in his absence.



The Disciplinary Tribunal may receive such additional evidence and/or submissions (orally and/or in writing) as it thinks fit and may hear from the Complainant before determining the charge.  



The Respondent shall have a right to be heard in his own defence and to see a copy of any documentary evidence relied upon in support of the charge and shall be entitled to call witnesses on his behalf and to cross examine any witnesses called to attend before the Disciplinary Tribunal.



The Disciplinary Tribunal shall, subject to the Constitution and these Bye-Laws, determine its own procedure.  



The Disciplinary Tribunal shall, within 3 months of the commencement of its proceedings under paragraph 1.4.8 above, prepare a written report to Council and submit it to the Honorary Secretary.  Council may extend this deadline upon the written request of the Disciplinary Tribunal.  The report shall:



  1. summarise the procedure followed by the Disciplinary Tribunal;

  2. state whether or not the Respondent answered the charge pursuant to paragraph 1.4.7(c)(iii) above and/or otherwise took part in the proceedings; 

  3. if the Respondent answered the charge and/or otherwise took part in the proceedings, state whether the Respondent admitted or denied the charge;

  4. specify the dates of all hearings and who attended them;

  5. state the Disciplinary Tribunal’s determination as to whether the Respondent has committed misconduct and the Disciplinary Tribunal’s findings of fact on the basis of which it has reached its determination; and

  6. if the Disciplinary Tribunal has determined that the Respondent has committed misconduct, recommend an appropriate sanction or range of sanctions for Council’s consideration.



The Honorary Secretary shall lay the Disciplinary Tribunal’s report before Council at its next meeting and shall send a copy to the Respondent. If the Disciplinary Tribunal has determined that the Respondent has committed misconduct, the Honorary Secretary shall also send to the Respondent a statement of the costs incurred by the Institute in respect of the disciplinary proceedings before the Investigating Officer and before the Disciplinary Tribunal and invite the Respondent to make written submissions on whether Council should require the Respondent to pay such costs and, if so, in what amount. The Respondent must provide any such submissions to the Honorary Secretary within fourteen days of the date of the statement of costs being provided to the Respondent and the Honorary Secretary shall lay the statement of costs and the submissions before Council.



The Disciplinary Tribunal’s determination of the charge and findings of fact shall be final and conclusive.  The Disciplinary Tribunal’s determination of the charge shall be recorded in the minutes of the Council meeting.



If the Disciplinary Tribunal has determined that the Respondent has committed misconduct, Council shall decide what sanction, if any, shall be imposed and what amount of costs, if any, the Respondent shall pay, pursuant to clause 5.10.4 of the Constitution.  Council shall have regard to, but shall not be bound by, the Disciplinary Tribunal’s recommendation as to sanction.  If Council departs from the Disciplinary Tribunal’s recommendation as to sanction, it shall record its reasons for doing so.  The Honorary Secretary shall notify the Respondent in writing of any sanction imposed by Council.



In the absence of the Honorary Secretary or in case of his inability to act, Council may designate another Office-Bearer to carry out the Honorary Secretary’s functions under this disciplinary process.




Accounting Procedure



All sums of money not immediately required for the business of the Institute shall from time to time be deposited in such bank(s) as directed by Council, and cheques for payment on account shall be signed by any two of the following office-bearers:

  1. The President
  2. The Vice President
  3. The Honorary Secretary
  4. The Honorary Treasurer




Establishment and abolition of Committees



The Executive Committee shall be a standing committee of the Council.



Council may create further committees, pursuant to clause 7.7.2 of the Constitution, by resolution specifying (i) whether the committee is to be a standing committee or an ad hoc committee and (ii) the terms of reference of such committee.



Council may by resolution abolish any committee (other than the Executive Committee), pursuant to clause 7.7.2 of the Constitution.


Appointments to Standing Committees



At the first meeting of the Council after the Annual General Meeting each year Council shall appoint the Chairmen of the standing committees (other than the Chairman of the Executive Committee), unless it resolves to defer any such appointment pursuant to clause 10.1.2 of the Constitution.



The Chairman of each standing committee shall, not later than three months after the Annual General Meeting each year:



  1. report to the Council the names of the members of the Institute he has selected for appointment to his committee; and
  2. propose for Council’s approval the names of any non-members of the Institute he wishes to appoint to his committee.   


Council may from time to time:

  1. fill any casual vacancy in the Chairmanship of any standing committee (other than the Executive Committee); and/or

  2. authorize the Chairman of any standing committee to appoint additional members of his committee.


Appointments to Ad Hoc Committees



Council may appoint or replace the Chairman of any ad hoc committee from time to time as it sees fit.



The chairman of each ad hoc committee shall: 

  1. propose for Council’s approval the names of any non-members of the Institute he wishes to appoint to his committee, before making such appointment.  

  2. report the names of the members of the Institute he has appointed to his committee to the next Council meeting following their appointment; and


Committee programmes and terms of reference



Council shall, not later than the second Council meeting after the Annual General Meeting each year, review and, if Council thinks fit, by resolution amend the terms of reference of each standing committee.  



Council may by resolution from time to time amend the terms of reference of any ad hoc committee as it sees fit.



Council may from time to time require any committee to submit to Council for approval a programme by which that committee proposes to perform its tasks or achieve its objective.




Admission Procedure



Any person desirous of being admitted to the Panel(s) of Arbitrators of the Institute shall submit his application to the Institute in a form which shall be prescribed by Council from time to time, containing such particulars as Council may require.



Every application for admission to the Panel(s) of Arbitrators shall be subject to the discretion of Council.



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