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Please upload supporting educational certificates.

Please complete this section using this convention: Current Member or Fellow sponsoring this Application; No. of Years Known.
Please ensure that you obtain the consent of the Current Member or Fellow sponsoring this Application prior to completing the information in this section as the sponsor would be assumed to have made the following declaration:

I have known the Applicant for a period of ___________ years, and I have read his/her completed application for membership. From my personal knowledge of the Applicant, I recommend him/her as a fit and proper person for consideration by the Council for membership of the Institute.


I make the above declarations.

I make the above declarations.

Please attach the relevant panel appointment letters or membership certificates evidencing your current arbitrator panel membership in arbitral institutions.

Should your application be successful, SIArb will publish your 1 page CV that complies with its standard template HERE.

Please download the template, complete the same and upload it as part of your current Panel Application.

(Note: This Section is a key consideration for the Committee’s evaluation of applications.

Applicants are asked to provide full details to avoid delay to the evaluation of their application).

Please provide details of the nature of the work carried out.

Please provide number of appointments in Arbitration proceedings todate as well as any relevant details as follows:

Arbitrator: Sole (  ) Presiding (  ) Tribunal Member (  )
No. of awards published: (  )  Please provide details in the next section below.
Counsel: (  )  Please provide details of the nature of the work carried out.
Expert Witness: (  ) Please provide details of the nature of the work carried out.
 Dispute Resolution Advisor/Consultant (  ) Please provide details of the nature of the work carried out.

(Note: This Section is a key consideration for the Committee’s evaluation of applications.

Applicants are asked to provide full details to avoid delay to the evaluation of their application).

Details of the nature of the work carried out – this should (where relevant) include the following information for each matter/case relied upon in this application:

(i) the matter/case number assigned by the relevant arbitral institution
(ii) the members of the Tribunal
(iii) Whether the applicant appeared for the Claimant or Respondent
(iv) if the matter did not proceed to a hearing and Award, at what stage the matter ended
(v) whether the applicant acted in a Lead role (e.g. as Lead Counsel or Expert Witness) or a support role
(vi) details of the work carried out personally by the applicant in that role
(vii) where an Award is published a duly sanitised version of the Award (please upload under the section on "Supporting Arbitral Awards" below)

 In support of your application, please attach any arbitral award(s), duly sanitised to preserve confidentiality for SIArb's review.

In support of your application, you may wish to upload 2 referee statements.

Please submit the signed statements from referees together with your application.


 In support of your application, you may wish to provide your published writings in ADR journals or legal periodicals.

Please state names of journals/legal periodicals, date and issue of publications.

 Please state any relevant teaching/ training experience (to include name/ type of courses/ Institution/ organisation and year).

Find out more about SIArb Scheme Arbitration HERE.

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