Third-party funding in dispute resolution proceedings has historically been received with scepticism due to the laws relating to champerty and maintenance. The introduction of the Civil Law (Amendment Act) and the Civil Law (Third-Party) Funding Regulations 2017 breaks new ground by permitting third-party funding for international arbitrations in Singapore.


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The astute members of the panel for this event, comprising Mr. Thio Shen Yi SC, Ms. Delphine Ho and Mr. Dinesh Dhillon, moderated by Mr Chan Leng Sun SC with his usual flair, provided their insights as to how these reforms would both impact and change the future of dispute resolution.

The panel’s presentation was followed by a robust discussion on the implications of the new laws for arbitrators, arbitration counsel, arbitral institutions, the funders and the parties to the arbitration.


CLICK HERE to view more photos.


Reported by: 

Timothy Quek- Associate,  Bih Li & Lee LLP

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