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HYBRID OR FULLY ONLINE FORMAT! Fellowship Assessment Course (FAC) 2023 (11 September - 7 November 2023)
Contact SIArb Secretariat This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (SIArb) is pleased to announce that a new edition of its Fellowship Assessment Course (“FAC” or “Course”) is now open for registration.

*The FAC will focus on teaching candidates the practical aspects of acting as an arbitrator. To benefit from FAC, candidates should already have a sound grasp of the law of arbitration.

 * SIArb offers an Online Refresher Course on the Law of Arbitration which candidates for the FAC can add on to view 9.5 hours of comprehensive online lectures on:

• An Introduction to Arbitration
• Arbitration Agreement, Commencement & The Tribunal
• Arbitration Procedure
• The Award; Recognition & Enforcement of Awards

Please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details should you be interested in these online lectures which are available at an additional fee.


This Course consists of 6 modules with a total of 9 self-study lectures, 6 live practical workshops and an online Award Writing Examination:

  • Module 1 will cover the basic concepts and principles on the sources of law, the law of contract, the law of tort, and the treatment of evidence. Candidates who have obtained a degree in law from a university or other tertiary institution recognised by the SIArb (or such other legal qualifications as the SIArb may in its absolute discretion accept) are exempted from Module 1 and Practical Workshop 1. All other candidates are required to attend Module 1 and attend Practical Workshop 1. 
  • Module 2 relates to (i) the acceptance of an arbitral appointment, covering topics such as conducting conflict checks and making disclosures before or when accepting an appointment; (ii) dealing with jurisdictional challenges; and (iii) emergency arbitrations.
  • Module 3 covers (i) case management in conducting an arbitration; (ii) techniques for controlling time and costs in an arbitration; and (iii) drafting procedural orders.  
  • Module 4 covers (i) dealing with interlocutory applications; (ii) drafting discovery orders; (iii) dealing with costs of interlocutory applications; (iv) dealing with extension of time applications and guerilla tactics; and (v) dealing with preliminary issues.
  • Module 5 covers the conduct of the evidentiary hearing.
  • Finally, Module 6 covers the practical aspects of actually writing the Final Award.
  • In the Practical Workshops, lecturers and workshop leaders will address questions from candidates and show practical examples of an arbitrator’s work product such as procedural orders, Redfern Schedules, discovery orders and interim awards. In Practical Workshop 6, the lecturer of Module 6 will dissect a sample award to see how it should, or should not, be written.

In the Award Writing Examination, candidates will be required to write an enforceable final award.


SIArb will conduct the FAC in a hybrid or fully online format as follows:

  1. Each lecture will be delivered online by way of a Zoom webinar recording which can be accessed remotely and on demand via the SIArb’s Online Course Portal during the period specified in the Course Schedule below. Each candidate is required to view each lecture in sequence and in its entirety. The first lecture is preceded by an Introductory Video by the Course Director.  The total scheduled duration of all lectures is about 13.5 hours and will be available for self-study via the SIArb’s Online Course Portal.
  2. Practical Workshop 1 will be led by Workshop Leaders and conducted virtually on SIArb’s Zoom meeting platform on 23 October 2023.
  3. Practical Workshops 2-6 will be led by Workshop Leaders in a live interactive class which can either be attended:
    1. Virtually on SIArb’s Zoom meeting platform on 27 and 28 October 2023; OR
    2. In person at the Workshop venue on 3 and 4 November 2023.
  4. Each candidate is required to attend, either virtually or in person, the full duration of each Practical Workshop, the dates of which are specified in the Course Schedule below. The total scheduled duration of all 6 Practical Workshops is 10 hours.The Award Writing Examination is an open-book examination which will be conducted virtually on SIArb’s online course portal and/or on the Zoom meeting platform over a period of 3.5 hours (inclusive of a 30-minute reading period) on the date specified in the Course Schedule below. Each candidate is required to sit for and pass this written examination by writing an enforceable final award within the time and based on the facts given.  


While candidates may elect to attend the Practical Workshops in person or via Zoom, in an effort to be more environmentally friendly, SIArb will not provide physical copies of reading materials, lecture or presentation slides.

Instead, each candidate who has been successfully registered for FAC will receive personalised login details to SIArb’s Online Course Portal to access all reading materials, lecture videos, presentation slides and the online examination as set out in the Course Schedule.

Should any candidate wish to obtain a physical folder with the printed reading materials, lectures and presentations slides, a separate fee for such printed materials will be payable. Please contact the SIArb Secretariat for assistance


 To complete the FAC successfully, a candidate must:

  1. Achieve 100% attendance at all the Practical Workshops; and
  2. Pass the Award Writing Examination

A candidate who has successfully completed the FAC may, subject to satisfying other relevant criteria, apply for admission as a Fellow of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators.

  SIArb awards a prize for the best arbitral award written by a candidate in the Fellowship
Assessment Course 2023.

The winner of the prize will be announced at SIArb’s Annual Dinner.

Criteria for Admission to FAC

Admission to the FAC is open to:

  1. Lawyers or non-lawyers who have at least 10 years of involvement in litigation, arbitration or dispute resolution; OR
  2. Lawyers or non-lawyers who are or have been active arbitrators, and can provide documentary evidence of such experience; OR
  3. Those who have successfully completed the International Entry Course conducted by SIArb or such other equivalent course as may be recognised by SIArb; OR
  4. Those whom SIArb, at its absolute discretion and in the particular circumstances of the case, considers to be suitable candidates for the FAC.


Lecture videos (and the Introductory Video) will be accessible remotely
and on demand during this self-study period.
9.00am on 11 September 2023 to
6.00pm on 7 November 2023
Virtual Practical Workshop 1 (23 October 2023) – applies to all FAC candidates  
Date Time Tutorial
23 October 2023 10.30am - 12.00pm Online Workshop 1 for Module 1
Virtual Practical Workshops 2 - 6 (27 – 28 October 2023) – applies to candidates electing to take the FULLY ONLINE format of FAC
Date Time Tutorial
27 October 2023 9.00am - 3.30pm
Course Director’s Opening Remarks
Virtual Workshop 2 for Module 2
Virtual Workshop 3 for Module 3
Virtual Workshop 4 for Module 4
Day 1 Wrap Up
28 October 2023 9.00am - 2.30pm Virtual Workshop 5 for Module 5
Virtual Workshop 6 for Module 6
Course Director’s Closing Remarks & Briefing on Online Examination
In-Person Practical Workshops 2 to 6 (3 – 4 November 2023) – applies to candidates electing to take the HYBRID format of FAC
Date Time Tutorial
3 November 2023 9.00am - 3.30pm Course Director’s Opening Remarks
In-Person Workshop 2 for Module 2
In-Person Workshop 3 for Module 3
In-PersonWorkshop 4 for Module 4
Day 1 Wrap Up
4 November 2023 9.00am - 3.00pm
In-Person Workshop 5 for Module 5
In-Person Workshop 6 for Module 6
Course Director’s Closing Remarks & Briefing on Online Examination
Online Award Writing Examination – applies to all FAC candidates
Date Time
7 November 2023
9.30am - 1.00pm
(Login at 9.00am sharp)

NB: SIArb reserves the right to allocate candidates to groups for the Practical Workshops. Candidates should ensure they are available for the full day on both dates.


Lecture / Workshop
Introduction to FAC and its Objectives
Introductory Video
 Module 1
Sources of Law
  • Common Law
  • Equity
  • Statute
  • Court system
  • Doctrine of stare decisis
Lecture 1
Law of Contract
  • Essential ingredients of a binding and enforceable contract – offer, acceptance, consideration, intention to create legal relations
  • Privity of Contract
  • Rules of Interpretation of Contracts
  • Express and Implied Terms
  • Assignment and Novation
  • Discharge of contract by breach
  • Remedies for breach of contract
  • Damages – liquidated and unliquidated damages; remoteness; ordinary and extraordinary damages
Lecture 2


Law of Tort
  • What is a tort – difference between tortious claim and contractual claim
  • Nature of vicarious liability
  • Negligence
  • Misrepresentation
  • Economic Torts
  • Remedies
Lecture 3

  • What is “evidence”
  • Relevance of rules of evidence in arbitration
  • Burden of proof
  • Standard of proof
  • Admissibility versus weight
  • Weighing the evidence – relevance and reliability
Lecture 4

Review of Module 1
Workshop 1
Module 2
Accepting the Appointment
  • Conflict Check – what to look out for
  • IBA Guidelines on Conflict of Interests
  • Disclosures
  • Verifying Jurisdiction – identifying the arbitration agreement; whether dispute falls within scope of arbitration agreement
  • Ascertaining seat; arbitral institution; arbitration rules; composition of tribunal; language
Dealing with Jurisdictional Challenges
  • Doctrine of “competence – competence”
  • Due process
  • When and how to decide
Emergency Arbitrations
Lecture 5
Practical Workshop for Module 2
  • Accepting the Appointment and Challenges to Jurisdiction: Practical exercise
  • Q&A on Module 2
Workshop 2
Module 3
Case Management
  • First Procedural Meeting – when to hold one
  • Matters to be dealt with at First Procedural Meeting
  • Adoption of Rules and Guidelines
  • Prague Rules
  • IBA Rules on the Taking of Evidence
  • Procedural Timetable – How far should it go
  • Subsequent procedural meetings
Techniques for Controlling Time and Costs
  • ICC Report on such techniques
Drafting Procedural Orders
  • How to draft, what to say
  • Can procedural orders be appealed against or set aside and what is the significance of this
Lecture 6


Practical Workshop for Modules  3
  • Examples of Procedural Orders to see how they are written
  • Q&A on Modules 3
Workshop 3
Module 4
Dealing with Interlocutory Applications
  • Common applications to expect - Amendment of pleadings; security for costs; injunctions; production of documents
Drafting Discovery Orders
  • Use of Redfern Schedule; How to draft a discovery order; Costs of application
Costs of Interlocutory Applications
  • Does the Tribunal have power to award costs on interlocutory applications
  • Award now or later
Dealing with Extension of Time Applications and Guerilla Tactics
  • How not to breach the rules of natural justice
Dealing with Preliminary Issues
  • Interim and Partial Awards
Lecture 7


Practical Workshop for Module 4
  • Examples of Redfern Schedules to see how they are used
  • Examples of Discovery Orders and Interim Awards to see what they say and how they say it
Workshop 4
Module 5
Conducting the Evidentiary Hearing
  • Pre-Hearing Conference – what should be discussed
  • Core Bundle of Documents for Hearing
  • Privacy of Hearing
  • Timetable and Allocation of Time
  • Timekeeping – whether or not to guillotine
  • Opening Submissions
  • Calling of Witnesses; Administering Oaths and Affirmations
  • Expert Witnesses – how should they and their evidence be treated;
  • Witness Conferencing or “Hot Tubbing” – How is this done; how to prepare for it
  • Dealing with objections during examination of witnesses
  • Pitfalls – Entering the arena - what the Tribunal should not do during the evidentiary hearing
  • Closing Submissions
  • Virtual Hearings
Lecture 8
Practical Workshop for Module 5
  • Q&A on Module 5
Workshop 5
Module 6
Writing the Award
  • Closing the Proceedings – when to do so
  • Time for submission of Award
  • Partial Award or Final Award – e.g. bifurcation; reserving issues of costs and interest
  • Structure and components of Award – “Introduction” to “Dispositive”
  • Dealing with agreed issues framed by parties – Must Tribunal deal with even the irrelevant ones; Can Tribunal reframe or consolidate or depart from them
  • Techniques and tools for drafting the Award
  • Pitfalls – what to avoid in writing the Award
  • Awarding Costs
  • Awarding Interest
  • Scrutiny by arbitral institution
Lecture 9


Practical Workshop for Module 6
  • Dissecting a sample Award to see how it should (or should not) be drafted
Workshop 6


Course Director’s Closing Remarks & Briefing on Online Examination


Award Writing Examination


  • Chia Chor Leong (Course Director)
  • Delphine Ho (Deputy Course Director)
  • Samuel Chacko
  • Remy Choo Zheng Xi
  • Edmund Kronenburg
  • Siraj Omar, SC
  • Johnny Tan
  • Toh Chen Han

For more details about our Course Faculty, please click HERE


To properly participate in the hybrid or online course, you will require the following which must be put in place before the Practical Workshops and Online Examinations (no exceptions will be entertained):

  1. A laptop or computer (as typing will be required during the virtual Practical Workshops and Online Examination, accessing via mobile phone or other mobile devices is not encouraged)
  2. Stable Internet access from the same laptop/computer– a wired connection is recommended (this is especially important for taking the online written assessment)
  3. An Internet browser on the same laptop/computer
  4. A video camera (either external or built-in to your laptop or computer) to participate in the virtual Practical Workshops and Online Examination
  5. Zoom Client for Meetings

If you have not used Zoom before, click HERE to download the latest version for security reasons. Even if you already have Zoom installed, we recommend that you check to ensure you have updated to the latest version due to frequent security upgrades and to ensure that your laptop/computer meets the minimum requirements for the use of Zoom.


  1. The closing date for registrations is 29 September 2023 or whenever the FAC is fully subscribed, whichever is the earlier.
  2. Holding of the in-person Practical Workshops is subject to the approval of any relevant government authorities, including the Singapore Tourism Board.
  3. Places to attend the Practical Workshops in-person are limited and will be allocated by SIArb based on various qualifying criteria (including COVID-19 risks) and in order of priority upon receipt of registration and all payments due.
  4. SIArb reserves the right to update or amend the details of the programme and/or the faculty without prior notice.
  5. No refunds will be made for cancellations or no-shows by those registered. If you are unable to attend the Course or any part thereof, an equivalent and eligible substitute may attend in your place at no extra charge provided that at least 14 days written notice prior to the commencement of the self-study period for the Lectures on 11 September 2023 is given to SIArb. 
  6. SIArb reserves the right to refuse to register or admit any participant, and to cancel or postpone the Course.
  7. In-person attendees must abide by all COVID-19 safe management measures imposed by the Government, the Course venue and SIArb.
  8. If you are displaying any COVID-19 symptoms, we encourage you to perform self-testing. If you test positive, please do not attend the Tutorials in-person and contact SIArb accordingly.
  9. Verification of COVID-19 Vaccination Status is not required for admission to the in-person Practical Workshops and Safe Management Measures do not apply as of 10 October 2022, based on prevailing national guidelines in Singapore. Should there be any updates from the Ministry of Health (Singapore) leading up to the Event, SIArb will be in touch with further information.
  10. Mask wearing is optional at all times during the in-person Practical Workshops. Please practice good personal hygiene, including frequent washing of hands.
  11. By completing this form, you fully consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal data as appears in any form, document or electronic template, by SIArb. [CLICK HERE TO READ OUR PRIVACY POLICY]



Member or Associate Member of SIArb

S$3,300 (All Modules (Incl Award Writing Exam)) S$3,600 (All Modules (Incl Award Writing Exam))
S$2,700 (Modules 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 (Incl Award Writing Exam)) S$3,000 (Modules 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 (Incl Award Writing Exam))
S$1,200 (Module 6 and Award Writing Exam) – available for retake candidates and by special exemption ONLY S$1,400 (Module 6 and Award Writing Exam) – available for retake candidates and by special exemption ONLY


Member or Associate Member of SIArb

S$2,900 (All Modules (Incl Award Writing Exam)) S$3,200 (All Modules (Incl Award Writing Exam))
S$2,300 (Modules 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 (Incl Award Writing Exam))
S$2,600 (Modules 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 (Incl Award Writing Exam))
S$600 (Module 1 only: Law of Contract/Tort/Evidence) S$800 (Module 1 only: Law of Contract/Tort/Evidence)
S$1,000 (Module 6 and Award Writing Exam) – available for retake candidates and by special exemption ONLY S$1,300 (Module 6 and Award Writing Exam) – available for retake candidates and by special exemption ONLY
*S$600 (Online Refresher Course on the Law of Arbitration) S$800 (Online Refresher Course on the Law of Arbitration)
Download Brochure HERE
For enquiries on the Course, please contact the SIArb Secretariat:
Tel: +65 6551 2785              Fax: (65) 6225 9426            E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 







SILE CPD Points 

Practice Area: Alternative Dispute Resolution 
Training Level: Advanced 
Public CPD Points: 
Modules 2 to 4: 5 Public CPD Points
Modules 5 to 6: 4.5 Public CPD Points



Module 1: 1.5 Formal CPD Hours
Modules 2 to 4: 4.5 Formal CPD Hours
Modules 5 to 6: 4 Formal CPD Hours

RICS members can obtain and submit CPD hours for
attendance of SIArb events. More details HERE.

BOA-SIA: 4 CPD Points
PEB: 1 PDU (Module 1)
PEB: 9 PDUs (Modules 2-6)


SILE Attendance Policy

For Fully Online Format: Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, this includes logging in at the start of the webinar and logging out at the conclusion of the webinar on each day of the activity, and not being away from any part of the webinar for more than 15 minutes on each day of the activity. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy on any particular day of the activity will not be able to obtain CPD Points for that day of the activity. Please refer to for more information.
For Hybrid Format: Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, participants are reminded to sign in on arrival and sign out at the conclusion of each day of the event in the manner required by the organiser. Participants must not be absent from each day of the event for more than 15 minutes. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance Policy on any particular day of the event will not be able to obtain CPD Points for that day. Please refer to for more information
Location M Hotel Singapore, 81 Anson Rd, Singapore 079908 (hybrid course), Zoom (fully online)
Registrations are now closed

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