SIArb Newsletter Issue 26 (12 June 2018)

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June 2018 (Issue No. 26)
the president's column


As at the time of my writing this, it is back on again! I am talking about the much anticipated meeting between President Donald Trump and Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un. Regardless of whether or not the meeting actually takes place, the choice of Singapore as the venue is worth reflecting on. Why is this relevant to international arbitration? I believe the factors that led to Singapore being chosen for this historic meeting is a reflection of the Singapore brand values that have shaped Singapore into being leading seat for global dispute resolution. Singapore was chosen because of its neutrality, safety, reliability, integrity, efficiency, excellence and openness. Singapore’s commitment to being a good host is further reflected by Minister of Defence, Ng Eng Hen’s stating that Singapore will willingly bear some of the costs of the planned summit.

It is such commitment to these Singapore “brand values” that will ensure Singapore keeps making strides in international arbitration. At the recently concluded SIAC Congress, Chief Justice Sundaresh Menon mentioned that one of the challenges was to ensure a constant pipeline of trained and future-ready practitioners. SIArb will continue to play its part through its membership and fellowship programs. We will review our curriculum to ensure it is world class. In this regard, we welcome input and feedback from you, our members – let us know what you think can be done better or differently and we will be committed to considering all options. Read More

Dinesh Dhillon
SIArb 2017-2019

case law developments

(1) Hilton International Manage (Maldives) Pvt Ltd v Sun Travels & Tours Pvt Ltd [2018] SGHC 56, and (2) Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Ltd v Avant Garde Maritime Services (Private) Limited [2018] SGHC 78
By Justin Gan, Sarah Kuek and Tan Yi Lei – Stephenson Harwood (Singapore) Alliance

The last quarter has seen a number of arbitration decisions reported. We focus on 2 decisions in this edition of the newsletter
- Hilton International Manage (Maldives) Pvt Ltd v Sun Travels & Tours Pvt Ltd [2018] SGHC 56
- Rakna Arakshaka Lanka Ltd v Avant Garde Maritime Services (Private) Limited [2018] SGHC 78

Party Representatives And Ethics In International Arbitration
By Chew Yee Teck, Eric - ECYT Law LLC


1. In the absence of a universally-applicable code for ethics in international arbitration, members of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators (“SIArb”) Working Group drafted the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators Guidelines on Party-Representative Ethics Consultation Paper (the “Guidelines”) to address concerns on Party Representatives’ conduct in such proceedings.

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How Arbitral Tribunals Deal With Jurisdictional Objections In Practice – To Bifurcate Or Not, And Court Review Of Jurisdictional Objections
By Albert Monichino Q.C

A. Introduction
The present paper shall address two separate but related topics:
(a) first, how arbitral tribunals deal with jurisdictional objections in practice; and
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in the hot seat!

In each issue of our newsletter, we interview an SIArb member to get their views on the alternative dispute resolution scene in Singapore, and to obtain some insight into what makes them tick. In this issue, we interview Mr. David L. Kreider.
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Recent Events
Construction Dispute Resolution – Managing the Process: A Discussion about Best Practices (8 May 2018)
Speakers: Mr. Edwin Lee, Mr. Ho Chien Mien, Mr. Eugene Tan Chair: Mr. Mohan Pillay

Four Senior Accredited Specialists in Building and Construction Law came together on 8 May 2018 to share their experiences in managing construction disputes and explore best practices. 

Chaired by Mr Mohan Pillay, the seminar started off with a discussion by Mr Edwin Lee about the importance of Scott and Redfern Schedules in facilitating efficient organisation of information in large, complex construction disputes, which often involve voluminous sets of information and documents. 

Mr Ho Chien Mien then spoke about experts – a common feature in most construction disputes – and how to use them efficiently in legal proceedings. This included issues ranging from the choice of experts, to how best to present expert evidence particularly in the context of “hot-tubbing” during proceedings.


The Anatomy of Concurrent Evidence or Witness Conferencing, aka ‘Hot Tubbing’ (28 March 2018)

Speaker: Prof Leslie Chew, SC
Chair: Mr. Chia Chor Leong

The Anatomy of Concurrent Evidence or Witness Conferencing, aka ‘Hot Tubbing’ seminar was held on 28 March 2018 at The Central (Clarke Quay). The seminar was chaired by Mr. Chia Chor Leong and the guest speaker was former District Court Judge, Professor Leslie Chew, SC.

Not only did Professor Chew give a broad and robust lecture on the nature, effectiveness and operation of ‘witness conferencing’, he also gave his own pointers about how a fact-finder could apply 'witness conferencing' to greater effectiveness in court and in arbitration hearings.

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Upcoming Events
26 July 2018
14 August 2018
20 September 2018
Focus on Interlocutory Applications in Arbitrations
25 September 2018
Annual General Meeting
03 October 2018
Fraud Investigations – Tracing Assets and Identifying Beneficial Owners
18-19, 26-27, 29 October 2018
Fellowship Assessment Course
14 November 2018
15 November 2018

View our Past & Upcoming Events HERE

New Members
The Institute extends a warm welcome to the following members:
  • Sarah Por
  • Foo Wen Qi
  • Sandeep Chinnobaiah
  • Annia Hsu
  • Kawal Pal Singh
  • Lee Ke Jin
  • Anish Wadia
  • Janice Tay
  • Danna Er
  • Sharon Lin
  • Jenny Teo
  • Aurill Kam
  • Andrew Moran
  • Ashok Kumar Rai
  • Muhammad Farook Fahmita Parveen
  • Kapil Chaudhary
  • Christopher Boog
  • Wee Yu Yen
  • Michael Cover
  • Han Juat Jong
  • Kandy King Chi Chan
View our Member Listing HERE.
Call for Contribution of Articles
The SIArb Newsletter is a publication of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators aimed to be an educational resource for members and associated organisations and institutions of higher learning. Readers of the newsletter are welcome to submit to the Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. well-researched manuscripts of merit relating to the subject matter of arbitration and dispute resolution. Submissions should be unpublished works between 1,500 to 2,500 words and are subject to the review of the editorial team.
    Council (2017 - 2018) Publications Committee
Dinesh Dhillon
Vice President
Tay Yu-Jin
Honorary Secretary
Naresh Mahtani
Honorary Treasurer
Mohan R Pillay
Immediate Past President
Chan Leng Sun S.C.
Council Members
Chia Chor Leong
(co-opted wef 5 Oct 2017)
Chia Ho Choon
Francis Goh Siong Pheck
Adrienne Louise Beatrice Kouwenhoven
(co-opted wef 5 Oct 2017)
Andrew Pullen
Tan Weiyi
Yeo Boon Tat
Yeo Boon Tat
Committee Members
Adolf Peter
Eric Chew
David K K Chung
Fayth Huinan Kuah
Gan Boon Eng Justin
Lim Hseng Iu
Rian Matthews
Gan Kam Yuin
Tham Wei Chern
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The SIArb Newsletter is a quarterly of the publication of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. Distribution is restricted to members and those organisations and institutions of higher learning associated with the Institute.

The Institute does not hold itself responsible for the views expressed in the Newsletter which must necessarily lie with the contributors.


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