SIArb Newsletter Issue 28 ( 21 December 2018)

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21 December 2018 (Issue No. 28)
the president's column


2018 has been a significant year for Arbitration in Singapore and for the SIArb. It is an opportune time to take stock and look ahead to 2019.
SIArb celebrated its 37th Anniversary with a fabulous dinner on 14th November at Aura, National Gallery. We thank our Guest of Honour, Senior Minister of State for Law and Health, Mr Edwin Tong SC, for his insights on Singapore’s role in an ever changing global economic landscape. I encourage members who missed the dinner to read his full speech HERE.
We also just concluded the 10th SIArb Symposium on 15th November which has now become synonymous with the iconic Old Parliament House. It was a lively house filled with much discussion, enthusiasm and passion for cutting edge issues in international arbitration. The Symposium has developed into a key platform for showcasing thought leadership and kudos must go to Vice President Tay Yu-Jin and his committee on the excellent event.
Singapore continues to climb the league ladder in the International Arbitration “Champions League”. The latest Queen Mary University of London Survey released on 9 May 2018 reported that Singapore is the third most preferred seat worldwide, after London and Paris, and ahead of Hong Kong, Geneva, New York and Stockholm. This is a significant achievement but we certainly cannot afford to rest on our laurels. With such a position, expectations will increase and Singapore must step up to play its part in terms of thought leadership in the global international arbitration space. SIArb will continue to play its role through our training programs. We recently worked with the Singapore Academy of Law (“SAL”) on a training program for budding arbitrators in Qatar. We are also particularly excited about the Singapore Arbitration Journal which will be launched in 2019.

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Dinesh Dhillon
SIArb 2017-2019


CASE LAW DEVELOPMENTS: Man Diesel Turbo SE V I.M. Skaugen Marine Services Pte Ltd [2018] SGHC 132

By Lee Mei Yong Debbie, Wong Qiao Ling Sharon - ECYT Law LLC
1. In this decision, the High Court refused to adjourn enforcement proceedings, despite a pending setting aside application at the seat of arbitration in Denmark. The Plaintiff in this case was granted leave to enforce the arbitral award in Singapore.

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CASE LAW DEVELOPMENTS: Swissbourgh Diamond Mines (Pty) Ltd And Ors V Kingdom Of Lesotho [2018] SGCA 81

By Lee Mei Yong Debbie, Wong Qiao Ling Sharon - ECYT Law LLC
1. In an earlier decision in the first instance, the High Court allowed the Kingdom of Lesotho to set aside an investor-state arbitral award. Investors Swissbourgh Diamond Mines (Pty) Ltd (the “Appellants”) appealed.

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Arbitration Course for Qatar Centre for Legal & Judicial Studies (25 – 27 November 2018)

By Chia Chor Leong- Chairman, Education and Scheme Arbitration Committees
The Institute, at the invitation of and in collaboration with the Singapore Academy of Law, conducted a specially designed International Commercial Arbitration Course in Doha, Qatar, for the Centre for Legal and Judicial Studies of the Ministry of Justice of Qatar. It was conducted over 3 days from 25 to 27 November 2018. The Course was formally opened in the morning of 25 November 2018 at the Hilton Doha by Qatar’s Minister of Justice and Acting Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs His Excellency Mr Issa bin Saad al Jafali al Nuaimi, in the presence of the Ambassador of Singapore to Qatar His Excellency Mr Jai Sohan Singh, the Director of the Centre for Legal and Judicial Studies Fatima Abdulaziz Bilal, and the Senior Director of Legal Development and Chief Legal Counsel of the Singapore Academy of Law, Mr Sriram Chakravarthi.
in the hot seat!

In each issue of our newsletter, we interview an SIArb member to get their views on the alternative dispute resolution scene in Singapore, and to obtain some insight into what makes them tick. In this issue, we interview Mr Chan Kok Way.

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Recent Events
Debate: This House Believes That Artificial Intelligence Will Have Replaced Arbitrators Within 25 Years (6 December 2018)

Technology has frequently hit the headlines recently – for good and bad reasons – and it is clear that automation, computerisation and artificial intelligence are marching forwards with huge implications for how we live and work in the future. No job will be immune to technological development, and some will be changed beyond recognition or even die out. When SIArb decided to organise an event aimed at younger practitioners, a consideration of how these trends will affect dispute resolution seemed the ideal topic: since younger practitioners will be most affected by these changes. And so, on 6 December 2018, 110 delegates (young and old) gathered to hear leading younger members of the arbitration community debate...

SIArb Commercial Arbitration Symposium 2018 (15 November 2018)

The 10th anniversary of the SIArb symposium did not fail to live up to expectations. With a diverse number of thought-provoking questions submitted by the audience beforehand, each session navigated several areas of controversy, and also gave rise to some very helpful contributions from audience members based on their own experience (submitted within the confines of the "Chatham House" rules!). Last but not least, the all-female cohort of moderators for the sessions served as a radical and refreshing departure from the usual line-up of conference chairs.

37th Anniversary Annual Dinner (14 November 2018)

On 14 November 2018, SIArb hosted its 37th anniversary dinner at Aura, Sky Lounge, National Gallery Singapore. The venue was chosen after it had received rave reviews from the attendees of the past 2 annual dinners for its excellent view overlooking the Padang and the glorious city skyline with the iconic Singapore Flyer and Marina Bay Sands.
Members and guests celebrated the fellowship of the arbitration community in Singapore over cocktails...

Fellowship Assessment Course 2018 (18, 19, 26, 27 and 29 October 2018)
Course Director: Prof Leslie Chew SC
Deputy Course Director: Mr Chia Chor Leong

The Institute’s annual Fellowship Assessment Course (FAC) is a programme which consists of 6 modules and an Award Writing Examination. Module 1 covers topics relating to the Laws of Contract, Tort and Evidence with an open-book written assessment on these subjects, but lawyers are exempted from this Module. The remaining 5 modules cover topics such as the arbitration agreement, institutional...

Upcoming Events

24 January 2019
12 February 2019
28 March 2019
SIArb Inaugural Annual Lecture 2019 - Arbitral Groundhog Day: The Problem Of Repeat Claims And Issues In Arbitration
26, 27 & 29 April 2019

View our Past & Upcoming Events HERE

New Members
The Institute extends a warm welcome to the following members:
  • Tan Chee Meng
  • Derric Yeoh
  • Gerry Lem
  • Poh Zi Yang
  • Yu Kai Elaine
  • Khairul Nizham
  • Dennis Wilson
  • Donovan Cheah
  • Leung Kwong Tat
  • Adrian Ooi
  • Pradeep Kejriwal
  • Srikanth Navale
  • Maszenan Bin Abdul Majid
  • Mahesh Rai
  • Ka Fai Karfield
  • Liu Zhuo
View our Member Listing HERE.
Call for Contribution of Articles
The SIArb Newsletter is a publication of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators aimed to be an educational resource for members and associated organisations and institutions of higher learning. Readers of the newsletter are welcome to submit to the Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. well-researched manuscripts of merit relating to the subject matter of arbitration and dispute resolution. Submissions should be unpublished works between 1,500 to 2,500 words and are subject to the review of the editorial team.
    Council (2018 - 2019) Publications Committee
Dinesh Dhillon
Vice President
Tay Yu-Jin
Honorary Secretary
Francis Goh
Honorary Treasurer
Mohan R Pillay
Immediate Past President
Chan Leng Sun S.C.
Council Members
Chia Chor Leong
(co-opted wef 5 Oct 2017)
Chia Ho Choon
Andrew Pullen
Ramesh Selvaraj
Rebecca Tai Andersen
Yeo Boon Tat
Yeo Boon Tat
Committee Members
Chew Yee Teck, Eric
Dr. Chung Kah Keat, David
Justin Gan
Gan Kam Yuin
Fayth Kuah
Lim Hseng Iu
Dr. Adolf Peter
Ananya Pratap Singh
Christopher Tan Teow Hin
Tan Beng Hui, Carolyn
Tham Wei Chern
Dr. Gunawan Widjaja
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The SIArb Newsletter is a quarterly of the publication of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. Distribution is restricted to members and those organisations and institutions of higher learning associated with the Institute.

The Institute does not hold itself responsible for the views expressed in the Newsletter which must necessarily lie with the contributors.


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