SIArb Newsletter Issue 33 (30 March 2020)

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30 March 2020 (Issue No. 33)
the president's column


Covid-19 is a global health crisis like never before. The airports and travel industry are at a standstill. Hospitals are being overrun or at risk of being overrun. Hotels in Singapore are now being used to house returning Singaporean residents on 14 day stay home notice periods. While there is no doubt we must put health first, we must also find ways to continue. 
International Arbitration has been disrupted globally. Travel restrictions and quarantine notices have made it impossible globally for witnesses to give evidence in person. Technology though gives us a means to pick up the pieces and keep going. We are being forced to quickly learn what digital platforms exist for hearings. And we are learning quickly that there are indeed innovations that make virtual hearings possible.
Physical hearings whenever possible remain an option, but we must adapt to social distancing in hearing facilities, and to instill a discipline to resist our natural urge to shake hands. Dedicated hearing facilities will have to adapt to provide seating with 1 metre gaps between individuals. We may have to reduce the number of counsel physically present and consider providing transcription or video links for other team members to follow proceedings remotely.

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Dinesh Dhillon
SIArb 2017-2021

CASE DIGEST (February 2020)

By Charis Wang, Fullerton Law Chambers LLC

In this issue, we report on the following decisions on arbitration released by the Singapore courts between December 2019 and February 2020:

  1. BNA v BNB and another [2019] SGCA 84
  2. CBP v CBS [2020] SGHC 23 

in the hot seat!

In each issue of our newsletter, we interview an SIArb member to get their views on the alternative dispute resolution scene in Singapore, and to obtain some insight into what makes them tick. In this issue, we interview
Mr Francis Xavier SC.

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19 May 2020
20 August 2020
31 August 2020
SIArb "Spotlight on Experts" Conference
9 September 2020
17 November 2020
SIArb Commercial Arbitration Symposium 2020
   View our Past & Upcoming Events HERE
UNCITRAL Model Law & Arbitration Rules The Arbitration Act 2005 (Amended 2011 & 2018) and the AIAC Arbitration Rules 2018

By Sundra Rajoo

Special Contributor: Thomas R. Klötzel
(Sweet & Maxwell, 2019)

Why do busy practitioners write articles but so few practitioners write legal textbooks? In the first place, why are there so few who are willing to write even academic articles? Not the marketing updates for busy executives but refereed articles that require a careful analysis of the law. Which require citations to legal sources and reasoned views built upon layers of legal reasoning. The obvious answer is time and commitment. Most practitioners in this part of the world are under pressure to bill and the couple of weeks needed to write a decent refereed article do not, as law firm managers would say, bring enough returns on the investment.

When you consider that a legal textbook is at least 10 times the length of a decent academic article, you begin to see why so few practitioners write books. The length is not all there is. The author of a book cannot be selective about the research that he or she undertakes on the chosen subject. To write a book on a subject is to cover the entire landscape. The writer of an article...

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SIArb Committees 2020

We thank all members who have volunteered their time and services in our recent Call for Volunteers
The Committee Chairpersons have finalised their respective Committees.
You may view the role and composition of each Committee HERE.

New Members
The Institute extends a warm welcome to the following members:

  • Steven Brown
  • Pou Leen Low
  • Francisco Alba II
  • Abdul Mabud Masum
  • Samuel Widdowson
  • Delphine Ho
  • Ziyang Daniel Soo
  • Meryl Koh
  • Jing Ling Khoo

View our Member Listing HERE.

Call for Contribution of Articles
The SIArb Newsletter is a publication of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators aimed to be an educational resource for members and associated organisations and institutions of higher learning. Readers of the newsletter are welcome to submit to the Secretariat at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. well-researched manuscripts of merit relating to the subject matter of arbitration and dispute resolution. Submissions should be unpublished works between 1,500 to 2,500 words and are subject to the review of the editorial team.
    Council (2019 - 2020) Publications Committee
Dinesh Dhillon
Vice President
Tay Yu-Jin
Honorary Secretary
Francis Goh
Honorary Treasurer
Yeo Boon Tat
Immediate Past President
Chan Leng Sun S.C.
Council Members
Chia Ho Choon
(co-opted wef 5 Oct 2017)
Andrew Pullen
Andrew Pullen
Ramesh Selvaraj
Rebecca Tai Andersen
Tan Weiyi (co-opted wef 9 Oct 2019)
Yeo Boon Tat
Committee Members
Gil Marie Alba
David Chung
Justin Gan
Fayth Kuah
Lim Hseng Iu
Deepika Madan
Adolf Peter
Mahesh Rai Daniel Seligman
Ananya Pratap Singh
Carolyn Tan
Tham Wei Chern
Christopher Tan
Andrew White
Wong Siew Hong
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The SIArb Newsletter is a quarterly of the publication of the Singapore Institute of Arbitrators. Distribution is restricted to members and those organisations and institutions of higher learning associated with the Institute.

The Institute does not hold itself responsible for the views expressed in the Newsletter which must necessarily lie with the contributors.



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